“It’s not about studying more, it’s about studying smart” I'm very excited to announce that I have been featured as a guest on The Exam Study Expert Podcast! The Exam Study Expert is a website … [Read More...]
Recent Posts

The Illusion of Belonging: Why it’s time to abandon the search
Belonging can only happen when a “part” joins a group So by wanting to belong You are under the illusion of incompleteness In waking up you realise You are already complete You are not a part … [Read More...]
Most Popular

Depression and Emotional Suppression
One of the biggest misunderstandings about depression I was on the phone with my friend and told her that I was depressed and struggling. We didn’t … [Read More...]

Dear 20 Year Old Me
Saying goodbye to my 20s with a Roaring 20s Great Gatsby Party! I have turned 30. Entering a new chapter of my life has made me reflect on how I have grown in the … [Read More...]

Be Your Colour — A Cartoon About Relationships
Once upon a time there was a world full of colours Each of these dots shone their colours brightly and magnificently They would spend their time playing, … [Read More...]
Self Discovery

How Do I Embrace My Emotions? – Depression and Emotional Suppression Q&A
I have noticed a very steady increase in the number of visitors to my last blog, “Depression and Emotional Suppression”. … [Read More...]

A Survival Guide for Highly Empathic People
I’m a highly empathic person. I not only pick up on other people’s emotions easily, but I also feel them strongly. If … [Read More...]
Emotional Health

Do You Want To Help Someone With Depression? Don’t try.
Do not try to help someone with depression. “How can you even say that?” I hear you yelling. “You can’t … [Read More...]

Writing and Healing
Recently I was looking through previous posts. I was feeling a bit self-conscious that I had so many posts on darkness. … [Read More...]

A Few Thoughts on Loneliness
Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people who love you It is caused by you not being able to love the people … [Read More...]

Embracing The Seasons Within
Some of you, like me, may find these winter months emotionally challenging. Modern society currently calls it ‘seasonal … [Read More...]
Cognitive Neuroscience

Looking at the Colours of the Rainbow – My Experience as a Synesthete
As I wait idly for my friend in a café, I let my thoughts wander. Today is a Monday, so that’s a red day. … [Read More...]

I’m Afraid of Clusters of Holes – Are You?
For as long as I remember I have been afraid of clusters of holes. Not just any type of clusters, but densely packed, … [Read More...]

“I Do Not Need You To Protect Me” – A Sequel to the Love Letter
To my dearest beloved I wanted you to know That I do not need you To protect me / I do not need you To protect me … [Read More...]

“I Do Not Need You” — A Love Letter
My dearest beloved I wanted to tell you On this day of love That I do not need you I do … [Read More...]

People are Like Plants
People are very much like plants. Plants need four things to grow – soil, time, sunlight and water. We are in fact … [Read More...]

A Few (Inconclusive) Thoughts About Marriage
The other day I was watching a film. The male hero looks into the heroine’s eyes and says “Jane, I can’t live without … [Read More...]